06. The Research Prop - Critique 1

06. The Research Prop - Critique 1


This was the original segment of my initial research proposal.
(Which has since evolved exponentially - but I will get to that later. )

Domain: Visual Arts - Photography and Installation
Project: To develop a collection of artworks that seek to invoke a feeling of divinity in my daily life.
Lead questions:
Is it possible to visually represent the serenity, peace, and insight obtained through meditation, and from connecting to nature, in two and three-dimensional artworks? 
Sub Questions:
  1. What is the history of traditional Mandala art and how did it come to the West?
  2. What modern artists, if any, incorporate Mandalas into their work?
  3. Are there connections between traditional Maori, Polynesian, and Buddhist Mandala art?
  4. What sort of natural environments/places do Māori consider to be sacred? 
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